Some of her questions and worries felt very recognisable. I was happy to be able to share some advice and hope to have managed to reassure her on some points. Inspired by her questions I'll start writing some posts addressing some solo travel related issues. Who knows some of you lady travellers out there might find my tips and tricks helpful too :-)
But first I want to wish Laura a good start of her adventure. Besides the decision making, the actual leaving on a solo world travel trip is a major step, involving a lot of mixed feelings. While being happy and excited, it also makes you feel scared and sad. You know what you're leaving behind, but not what will be on your path. But don't worry, it is no doubt going to be great! Not always, but definitely mostly extremely great :-).
Remember, you might be leaving alone, but that doesn't mean you are alone. You have a sweet and caring support team of friends, family,... back home. And the world out there is full of great and like minded people, who, for some reason, you meet much more easily and frequently while travelling by yourself.
So to Laura, and all other solo world travelling woman out there: just go for it girl, trust your instincts and follow your heart!