Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and great support! The Wanderbelt is currently in production. We are working very hard make the product meet our very high standards in order to be able to offer you the best money-belt for travelling woman ever :-)
Unfortunately we are not ready to release it yet. Indeed, we're through half of August soon, and we're facing a bit of delay...
As we love the Wanderbelt and believe in it, for us quality comes first, even if it means the product will be launched a little later than we had hoped for.
I'm very sorry if the Wanderbelt won't be available yet for your next upcoming trip. We'll be ready for Christmas 2015 and release it by end of November. For the early birds having signed up upfront, we'll do everything possible to release it earlier. We'll keep you informed as soon as we're ready to ship.
Thank you for your signing up and for your patience. Our offer for free worldwide shipping on your purchase of course remains valid.
As a sneak preview, please check out the pictures of the 2 final colours versions. There will be a ‘printed’ version with our own special travel map print on it, and a fully skin coloured ‘plain’ version which can be hidden even more discreetly under your clothes.
We'll be in touch!
Warm regards and happy travels,